
Day 30 – Presentation Day


Today was the final day of our enterprise module, where we presented our enterprise idea to a panel of judges.

Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling too good in our final preparations for the presentation. I was finding it difficult to remember exactly what I was supposed to be saying…

Fortunately as soon as I entered the room with the panel, I managed to put all my energy into the presentation and our group pulled the performance off incredibly well.

The presentation was a big eye opener to the questions that might be posed by companies or investors that would be analysing any kind of business proposition I had and I feel I have learned a few things about how to go about explaining the business plan to such people.

Overall, today was incredibly informative and rewarding, but it was nice to get to the end of the project.

Although I feel that Gusto could be an excellent business to continue running, I feel it would be far too much work for the time being.

I have learned a lot of things during this enterprise project, from teamwork to organisational skills and I feel I am definitely better off after it.